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New Branding on an Old Dim Sum Friend

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Anticipating the Grand Re-Opening of San Francisco’s
Clement Restaurant – closed due to fire since 2015

Clement Restaurant after the fire – it isn’t pretty
Baked Pork Buns on display at the original Clement Restaurant

The Richmond district of San Francisco has dozens of dim sum spots, but Clement Restaurant has always held a special place in both my heart and my stomach. Like Proust’s madeleine, a bite from their Baked BBQ Pork Bun takes me back to the days of my childhood.

Myself at the original Clement Restaurant 1989 (left) and 2015 (right), months before the fire
Interior – Original Clement Restaurant

Ever since I can remember (and long before), a walk down Clement street has been dominated by Asian grocers and houseware supply stores, dim sum restaurants, and doubled parked delivery trucks unloading boxes of live, smelly crabs and other assorted seafood down wet floors into back kitchens and loud, fish markets.

Crabs on Clement
SF Clement fish seller
“Around the turn of the 20th Century, new cable and electric streetcar lines formed to deliver passengers to the Golden Gate Park, to the beach, and Adolph Sutro’s new Cliff House, Sutro Heights, and Sutro Baths.”
Read more:  A Short History of the Richmond District 

Clement and 8th 1904 & 2019, looking east.


The first sprinklings of bougeious yuppie-dom, like the sweet ‘n cutsie coffee and ice cream shop, the Toy Boat Café, didn’t come on the scene until the 1980s. That’s when I moved away to college, then to chase a career, marry and raise a son.


Green Apple Books 2019
Green Apple Books 2019




On the Clement street of today, cases filled with used books still spill into the street in front of the venerable Green Apple Books, and families still gather around the classic checkered tablecloths of Giorgios’ Pizza, but King Norman’s Kingdom of Toys is long gone, and Haig’s Delicacies closed in 2013 to focus on the wholesale part of their business.

After the Fire, Shuttered and Hibernating

Yes, I have always come back every few months to visit my family, and stopping by Clement Restaurant is an engraved tradition that I passed into the next generation. I thought I was appreciative, but realized I had taken it all for granted when I returned in 2015 to find the place all boarded up.

A 2015 kitchen fire shut down operations at the address… but since the owner of Clement Restaurant also owns the two eateries on either side, the buns kept rising!

Clement BBQ takes over Baking the Pork Buns

Assorted pastries were shouldered by the kitchen at Clement BBQ, the restaurant next door to the east, and the steamed offerings continued at Xiao Long Bao, located just next door to the west.

It was a great relief to continue to enjoy the unique and sumptuous blend of sweet/savory BBQ pork in Char Siu sauce recipe made only at Clement Restaurant.

The Long Road Back (a timeline in pictures)

Still Making Dim Sum at Clement BBQ – 2019

Michael Flores, energetic and knowledgeable Superintendent for Bali Construction, welcomes the challenge of every new job, but admits progress has been stalled many times in the past four years. Insurance issues, PG&E issues. They had to reconfigure the sequencing of the entire power system, so it is properly shared between three establishments. Peering through the taped up windows revealed little. At first there was no progress. Just the locked door and the lingering scent of smoke.

Interior, early 2017


The place was cleared and gutted on the inside and then spent some time as a storage unit. Stacks of supplies would appear. A ladder leaning against a wall. Boxes and boxes of To-Go containers, tumbled over each other. The front windows wore dirty, peeling stickers and long expired ads for city events.

Interior Mid 2017
Interior Nov 2018
Clement Restaurant July 2019

Stepping inside in July 2019, the long narrow place is bright white, except on the right wall, where the original brick has been exposed..

September 2019 – Almost ready?
October 2019 – any progress?
Amazing Progress! Installation of Display cases November 2019
Supplies Delivered! November 2019



I have a tendency to be nervous about change. And I haven now grown accustomed to going to Clement BBQ next door.

at Clement BBQ, next door

While waiting in line, I may take in the state of a whole roast pig, dressed for consumption or hanging from a hook suspended over a worn, round butcher’s block.

I may watch as steam table orders are filled. Scoops of chow mein slopped into takeout containers.

I can lean against the sacks of bleach piled high against the mirrored wall.
And I always look next door for a peek at the progress…

Peeking in at every opportunity

Superintendant Flores points out that I am not the only one who has stopped by the open door of the re-construction of Clement Restaurant to share my longstanding personal fondness for the place and the taste that takes me back.

I tell him that I am excited for the reopening, and grateful to the owner for maintaining the baked delights for his customers. He knows the value is beyond taste — it’s time travel.

When he hints that the owner maybe “expanding the menu,” a shiver runs through me and I quickly exclaim, “Don’t change the recipe!”

Categories: Posts Food & Culture Writing


Talking to Strangers Changes the World

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Resistance Boot camp LogoResistance Boot Camp – San Fernando Valley, CA
Leaders of change-making local activists groups, many formed since the presidential election of November 2016, presented motivational talks and trainings for further actions to a crowd of several hundred at San Fernando Valley’s Resistance Boot Camp.

Jason Berlin, a continually smiling Tom Hanks type in bright blue t-shirt and jeans, is an organizer with Field Team 6.  He said he was warmed by the great turnout and the opportunity to be “bathing in liberals.”  Big applause and big laughs from the crowd were a reflection of the solidarity of the assembled for the cause at hand.

Before charging forth with the strategies and hard work ahead for the 2020 election, Jason took the time to recognize the irrefutable success of November 2018, when the Wave we all worked for crashed into the House and turned it Blue by a margin far exceeding our goal.  “Thank you for saving the world,” said Jason, “We won our survival.”

Everyone who marched, who called, who wrote postcards, registered voters, knocked on doors, “It all mattered.”   Many of the elections were so close they were won by what’s called “field margins,” said Berlin.  Margins attributed to work done in the field.  That’s us.  All of us. “Talking to strangers changes the world.”

The Plan: From now until the primaries, the push is going to be voter registration.  Canvassing for particular candidates will ramp up after that.  Not only do we have to vote Trump out, we have to protect the House Democrats we voted into office November 2018 and flip the Senate as well! There is no taller order, but no work more necessary considering the circumstances of our Democracy.  It’s not lost on any of us.

Field Team 6 organizes regular Voter Registration events and encourages everyone to Volunteer.  Volunteers are trained before every event, so no prior experience is necessary.  There’s even a handy “How to Register Democrats” training manual.

Berlin covers the nuts and bolts, like how to fill out the registration form, plus proper body language (stand with an open posture and don’t hold your clipboard up to your chest like a shield), the importance of eye contact and a little smile.  “So they have to break your heart to walk past you.”

Jason Berlin of Field Team 6

But –  what if you do wind up talking to a Republican?  “Try not to let them see the light die in your eyes.” Another big laugh.

Don’t try to change anyone’s political view, he instructs.  You will be trying to register people who already lean Democrat.  Berlin is always clear about where he is coming from so he attracts like-minded people.  He wears an Obama campaign shirt, and to passersby he calls, “Excuse me, can you help me save the world from Trump?”

Spend a few hours at a community college, farmer’s market or even outside the DMV registering voters, and “You leave with a force-field of self-esteem,” he exclaims.

For more information and to Volunteer, please visit:

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Top 3 Reasons YouTube TV is Better than Hulu Live

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OnBoarded at Last: into the Live TV Stream-O-Sphere

I am happy to report that I have just ditched my satellite service and signed up for Live TV streaming. I realize I am not exactly ahead of the curve on this, but just in case you still have cable or satellite and feel like you are paying too much, here’s one way you can break free and enter the Stream-O-Sphere.

DirecTV: $136/month
YoutubeTV: $40/month
Telling DirecTV to take a hike: Priceless

I didn’t know if I was tech savvy enough to switch from satellite to streaming, but I did know I was fed up with the cost! After a recent fruitless call to DirecTV to see if I could work out some kind of reduction in my bill (I couldn’t), I knew it was finally time dive into the stream.

Did you see the ads for Youtube TV during the last Super Bowl? I went to the website (after the game was over, of course!) and signed up for the free trial.

Television Combatibility Questions?

If your Television set, like mine, is a few years old and not automatically compatible with YouTubeTV, a basic Roku will get those two talking. As long as your TV has an HDMI port, you can use a Roku. The basic Roku model is about $30 and the Roku hook up is simple. You just need to have your smartphone or computer handy so you can activate your Roku online and connect it to your devices.

You can skip this step if you already have a TV with the Roku technology built in. (Good for you!) Of course you might have paid a ton of money for a huge, fancy Ultra 4k TV, but if you are just setting up in a small room, you can snag a 32″ 1080p Roku TV for under $200!

After you activate your Roku, you can move on to YouTube TV. Come prepared with a Gmail account, keep your smart phone or computer handy to activate your free trial and follow the onscreen prompts.

Top 3 Reasons YouTube TV is a Better Choice than Hulu Live

We can’t step into the same river twice, but it’s never too late to enter the Stream.

History Podcast Keeps Me Connected to My Hometown

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I’m one of those born and raised San Franciscans whose heart was left there when they moved away. So, my ears, now residing with me hundreds of miles away, gratefully absorb the weekly Outside Lands San Francisco Podcast — the podcast of the Western Neighborhood Project, a group that studies and preserves San Francisco history, especially of the “western neighborhoods” of San Francisco.

I am continually surprised and entranced by the stories they bring to light of the people and places that existed before, interesting well-known and/or lesser known folks and the homes and neighborhoods in which they lived. These stories, especially of “ordinary” people, remind me that everyone who calls themselves a “San Franciscan,” (including me!) holds in their memories and experiences a valid sliver of a piece of the City’s history.

I especially enjoyed the recent Carol Schuldt podcast. Woody LaBounty’s descriptions of this “Queen of the Beach” acknowledged her eccentricity while a personal, reverential tone shone through. He and his co-hosts succeeded in painting a picture of a rescuer/rebel in all her glory.

It’s too bad that it was the intensity of Schuldt’s connection to nature that made her seem so odd. It made me think about how our present disconnect from nature is what is really more odd.

I wish I had known her — and to be honest, I wish I had known OF her. I lived in the city till I was seventeen years old, but was not a beachgoer, and I am at once thrilled to hear about her and sad that I was not able to enjoy even the knowledge of her existence all those years she was alive.


Eyes in the Cards

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Drew Pearson Topps trading card
Topps Trading Card, 1970s
My way into the romance of football came when I was 9 or 10 years old, and I stumbled upon a few NFL trading cards on the street. Naturally I picked them up. Back in those days (the 1970s, so far gone!) many players posed for close up pictures, and many of those without helmets.

Walter Payton Rookie Card

Dave Casper

I would put row after row down on floor or table and study faces, consider personalities, thoughts, emotions of those players. Some looked angry — game face on — others innocent and hopeful, or determined. Some stood in the 3 point stance and smiled good-naturedly, and one looked up with pleading eyes as if he needed protection.In my mind, I created alliances between the players on the cards whether they were on the same teams or not. And on Sundays I’d watch as many as I could.This was my original Fantasy Football.